Sunday, January 1, 2012

quick freeze

ice grabbed. the new tires dug in but 
the fancy new positraction held the wheels
firmly in place. bewildered, I press
the spanking new gas pedal -
but nothing!
nothing at all takes place. finally, a clever
idea: reverse that sucker. at last, a great
crack, the binding ice breaks free
- and
believe it or not, motion commences.

hallelu and all that jazz.
we are no longer stuck
in my own drive.
and here's the happy ending:
no neighbors were charmed in the course
of this story; and the local paper
will never
know or tell. so is this tale true? and now,
on to the final philosophical question: if
a car
sticks in a snowstorm and
there’s no one there to push or laugh,
did it really happen? the ice god in me 
salutes the ice god in you. let's test the brakes.

   news from a small town 1, January, 2012