Thursday, November 29, 2012

Winter food prep

it’s baking-stewing 
time, the time
of settling into 

any new season
the time of giving, of
letting go, of ice
on the window
of  boiling down 

to the deepest reduction
of cooking up 

whatever comes next

news from a small town 22, November 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Pachelbel’s sling shot

It’s a silent day and no death to report.
Even in the Big Apple no one “slain,
slashed or murdered” in 24 hours.
Pachelbel lofts a few notes: they
land peacefully. I’m told it is a miracle.
And in the woods for all I know
every raptor and carnivore
has declined to dine. Pachelbel lofts
a few notes: they land peacefully.
It seems this day that every winter bird
simply took a day of rest, full of old seeds.
Pachelbel lofts a few notes: they land
peacefully. In the news, there’s
plenty of “ready, aim” but blessedly,
no “fire.”  Pachelbel lofts a few notes:
they land peacefully. In short,
no animals were harmed ,
no people hurt, no hearts broken
in the making of this poem.  Pachelbel
lofts a few notes:  they land peacefully.

news from a small town 21, November 2012

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Thirty seven degrees, fresh quail tracks

it's show off time - those black hooves
crusted in goosh skid through mud.nose high the mare snorts twice ... and
there's the buck! and she
takes off.

 we direct your attention to the far side of the arena.
time now for the entr'acte of gallop or trotting in circles.

today's the break between cold and colder,
before feeding time, after the side show of seven deer.

news from a small town 20, November 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pamplona of the Wallowas

Rain, thunder, snow, bluster -
hat about covers it. Except -
over the mountain, there's
big blue sucker hole,
defying the forecast.  In my
yard, watered down sunshine.  

It is the official day after the annual
Running of the Trash Cans
in Bunch of Rocks Lying Around
or Silver Lake or Joseph or
The End of the Road. However
you graph it, X marks this spot.  

Everything settled is not, for yesterday
was holiday for every trash can, roof,
branch, and bit of Mystery Detritus
in the place.  Nothing could sway them 

from their appointed round and rounds. 

No bulls, but big, big winds last night

news from a small town 19, November 2012

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Holiday shorthand

An inch of new, a skim of old,
a dusting of -- as always,
you get to decide
the meaning of shared experience.

All holiday shorthand.

We could be cooking up
something festive:
dress the, bake the, stir the,
and take away the cold before eating:

All holiday shorthand.

To a dollop of this, add
a surprise heft of that.
What’s in that box?
Is it
it outbound or in? Or for me?

All holiday shorthand.

Big boxes, little boxes,
fancy envelopes
from the insurance company. 
You get to decide what that means.

All holiday shorthand.

The size of a box, where you go,
who you’re with,
just when the big fight comes, and
who washes up…

All holiday shorthand.

news from a small town 18, November 2012