Saturday, November 17, 2012

Black Friday is coming

All the pretty buyers peruse
used transmissions, dishwashers
(black), a chrome towel rack
and O extravagance! extra fancy
wisps of lace to conceal the steam
of a hot, hot shower. Cheap blue
paint the color of robin’s eggs is
on the list. Down the street,
despite rain and frost, a new roof
is huddling over an old one. Chris,
who raises it, keeps a motorcycle
in his tool trailer, the better
to zip home again when work,
lunch, or lost nails beckon. His
radio blasts old rock and roll,
the neighbor dogs chew old bones,
and Black Friday sales of newer-
better are coming. We'll be
at the flea sale. We will not be there.

news from a small town 17 November 2012